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In this episode, I’m speaking with Ann Iyke-Osuji, one of the bravest immigrants I’ve met.
After a pretty much shielded life during her undergraduate years, she decides she wants to run away from home to somewhere her parents have little or no influence (family).
Now, you would think she would pick a country where she had some friends. I mean, everyone needs some support, especially someone who has never really left the comfort of their home and loved ones. But not Angel.
She decided to move to Australia for her Master’s Degree.
And the universe decides, you wanna be independent, right? I’m gonna help you get there fast!
In this conversation, we explored:
Struggling to settle in
Learning how to make small talk and enjoy it
Not realizing how fat Australia was from Nigeria
Expecting to see more animals in Australia considering how the country is portrayed on social media, and more.
This is a must-listen. And here’s a great tip from Angel on integrating into your new culture — Integration is a two-way street. While you’re thinking everything and everyone around you is new to you, also remember that for the individuals you interact with, you are also new to them. So remember to give them the same grace you expect them to give you.
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