Dotun Bamisaiye moved to Canada long before moving to the Great White North became a thing.
Back then, he would be the only one speaking Yoruba on his train ride to work. Today, he says the train ride hosts a medley of Pidgin, Yoruba, Igbo, and other African languages.
He joined me on The Newcomers Podcast to chat about:
Leaving Nigeria reluctantly
The black nod
The danger of a single story
Finding a job when most Canadian employers weren't looking to hire Nigerians
How best to prep for the Canadian tax season and more.
If you’re looking to do your taxes, Dotun is a great guy to speak to about the best tax planning and compliance approach.
He also offers a personal tax course for people new to Canada who want to understand Canadian taxation and how to plan for income tax.
Did you read it?
We launched a new section called Restart, which features long reads about the good, the bad, and the human side of starting afresh in a new country.
Settling into Canada was tougher than waiting for my PPR
We’ve also launched a section called The Pantry, a collection of tips, how-tos, stories, and jokes about the immigrant experience.
10 Tax Memes to Cheer You Up During Tax Season
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