10 Tax Memes to Cheer You Up During Tax Season
Because if you don't laugh about your taxes, you'll cry.
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Dread it, run from it, but tax season arrives all the same — Thanos, my accountant.
Tax season is here, and everyone is panicking and drowning under paperwork. However, laughter, especially in the form of good memes, can help this season. So, if you’re looking down a pile of receipts that don’t make sense or searching for missing receipts, here are a few memes to keep you going.
1. What qualifies as a business expense?

No matter what anyone [read as your accountant] says, don’t let them gaslight you into accepting that chocolate is not a business expense. Long live the fighters!
2. Wait a minute…

I see the vision here.
3. The perfect defense is offense.

Don’t hate the player; hate the game—10 points for outside-the-box thinking from Junior.
4. Who said romance was dead?

“In sickness and health, for richer or poorer, to love and to cherish [in tax season], till death do us part.”
5. If you know, you know.

Liberté, égalité, doggy-ité.
6. The ultimate life hack:

Expand your mind.
7. I stan a baby who contributes to paying the bills.

Ugh. One hundred points for the cuteness overload.
8. Choose your fighter:

What side of the divide do you fall under?
9. All is fair in war and tax season.
Nuff said.
10. Recommended listening.

Try not to cry when listening to tracks 1, 3, and 10.
Pro-tip: Play track 6 on the days you feel like giving up.