The Newcomers
The Newcomers Podcast
E43: Kaveri Srivastava on how to hit the ground running in Canada

E43: Kaveri Srivastava on how to hit the ground running in Canada

"Come with an open mind."

I’ve come to realize that the best way to hit the ground running as an immigrant in a new country isn’t necessarily the usual things people talk about—finding a job to keep you going while applying to 500 roles weekly and the like.

The most impactful things you’ll need to do when settling down are mindset-related.

Keep an open mind. Be adaptable. Drop any sense of entitlement. And be willing to reset and start from the beginning.

One caveat, though: don’t lose your identity in the process.

After 12+ years in Canada, Kaveri Srivastava is well-placed to speak about this mindset shift. She joined me on The Newcomers Podcast to chat about:

  • Her hit-the-ground running playbook

  • Dealing with survival mentality as an immigrant

  • Balancing the need to experience new things while saving for the future

  • Her Indian heritage, and more.

My biggest takeaway: While it’s cool to experience new things, you should form the habit of paying your future self first.

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I am working with an immigration expert to create content around the most common questions about the Canadian immigration process. Could you please hit reply and send in any questions you might have?


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The Newcomers
The Newcomers Podcast
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