The Newcomers
The Newcomers Podcast
E10: Bolaji Oyejide on settling into the United States of America as a teenager

E10: Bolaji Oyejide on settling into the United States of America as a teenager

Bolaji Oyejide, one of the best storytellers I have met in my lifetime, joins me on The Newcomers Podcast to chat about moving to the United States of America as a teenager and struggling to fit in.

Bolaji Oyejide is a griot, author, podcaster, and an all-around amazing human.

He joins me to chat about:

  • Losing cool points on his first night in college

  • Finding his confidence through dancing

  • The advantages of going to a historically Black college

  • Being the “other” as an immigrant

  • And seeing your dual identity as a strength.


P.S. If this podcast left you feeling inspired, do me a huge favor and tell one person to subscribe.

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